
Showing posts from November, 2017

Sunday’s Reading

“ It was a morbid time for young Kien, for although it was a beautiful New Year, his father saw this as his last, repeatedly saying it was spring itself which urged him to depart this world.” (pg. 126) This quotation in my opinion characterizes Kien by shining light on Kien's father and his lack of comfort towards his son. This probably made Kien more independent and glumy. This quote can releate to today’s issue by showing how some parents do not think about their children’s “innocence,” to the world around them, Kiens father was basically telling his child that the role is tough and he is about to die. “ His father had quit the world, gone in a sleep walker’s dream, taking with him forever the deathly yellow paintings.” This quotation does not indicate a conflict. This quotation relates to the theme of grief, it relates to this theme because it explains how Kien’s father is no longer alive and is in a different place than him and the other characters.

Saturday’s Reading

” They’re woman! Don’t shoot,” (pg 105) This quotation indicates a conflict, between the women and the men with guns. The conflict is man vs man. This quote has relations to today’s issue by showing that the men that were shooting were discriminating against women, the men felt as if the women were not a threat. “ The whole building was in chaos and all around them were grenande explosions, gunshots, screams, and footsteps.” (pg.105) This quotation provides a vivid description about the setting, the quote paints a picture of violence and destruction. This quote classifies the time period as of a time during a war. This quotation relates to the theme of war, the quote relates to this theme by describing the things that are typically in wars such as grenade explosions and gunshots.