
Summary on The Rockpile

     In the short story The Rockpile, Roy  wanted to hang out with his friends across from the apartment at the rockpile. John and Roy’s mother forbid them from going over to place thinking it was to dangerous for kids. Despite John’s attempts and their mothers clear warning Roy still decided to disregard the rules and go play outside with his friends. While Roy was outside their was a group of kids fighting Roy joins in and gets hurt. John and Roy’s mother was furious and told the boys that she  would tell their father, which is Roy’s biological dad and John’s stepdad. When Roy’s father get home he baby’s Roy and puts the blame on John. Roy’s father reaction towards John was so harsh because John is not his biological child, the father feel as if he is out of place and blames his mother for having him.          

A Worn Path Summary

             The short story, A Worn Path, is about an elderly lady named Phoenix who takes a long journey to a clinic to relieve her grandson’s sickness. Phoenix’s grandson has had lye poison for the past 7 years. Phoenix has traveled through a difficult path filled with many obstacles that she had to overcome. Phoenix’s struggled both mentally and physically, Phoenix was born in the time when African Americans were not granted a proper educated, this leaves Phoenix illiterate and uneducated. After a long and adventurous journey Phoenix finally made her way to the clinic only to get treated like a charity case by the person giving her the medicine.        In conclusion, Phoenix’s persistence was very motivating. Phoenix represents the powerful love of a grandmother. Phoenix showed determination even after learning that their is no cure for her grandson. Phoenix continued her long straneous journey even after her life was threatened.

Response to Mr.Grant

           Thank you for reaching out to me Mr.Wiggins. First, I would like to express my deepest sympathy regarding the horrendous comment that was made towards Jefferson. In reference to your current situation, I think that you, Mr.Wiggins, should sit down with your aunt’s friend and discuss what should be done regarding Jefferson’s childish behavior and defiance. In addition, you must understand that you can not force Jefferson to talk to you or his relative; you and his relative need to put yourselves in his shoes. I honestly think that Jefferson has enough knowledge to know that he is not a hog, but is hurt that his own relative thinks of him that way. With this I leave you, and good luck.

School is Fire

         “School is Fire🔥” Feeling the heat of frustration, for the need of a proper education, the teachers high expectation drives a student into desperation. Crackling, Chiping, and Whiping; emotions are realesed, from childish bickering to experienced adult trickery. From unanimous beef to dragging a ________ by her teeth. Uncontrolled by the fire to succeed you will find yourself severely burned when you realized you played when you were supposed to learn. Alfred Orange™️

Sunday’s Reading

“ It was a morbid time for young Kien, for although it was a beautiful New Year, his father saw this as his last, repeatedly saying it was spring itself which urged him to depart this world.” (pg. 126) This quotation in my opinion characterizes Kien by shining light on Kien's father and his lack of comfort towards his son. This probably made Kien more independent and glumy. This quote can releate to today’s issue by showing how some parents do not think about their children’s “innocence,” to the world around them, Kiens father was basically telling his child that the role is tough and he is about to die. “ His father had quit the world, gone in a sleep walker’s dream, taking with him forever the deathly yellow paintings.” This quotation does not indicate a conflict. This quotation relates to the theme of grief, it relates to this theme because it explains how Kien’s father is no longer alive and is in a different place than him and the other characters.

Saturday’s Reading

” They’re woman! Don’t shoot,” (pg 105) This quotation indicates a conflict, between the women and the men with guns. The conflict is man vs man. This quote has relations to today’s issue by showing that the men that were shooting were discriminating against women, the men felt as if the women were not a threat. “ The whole building was in chaos and all around them were grenande explosions, gunshots, screams, and footsteps.” (pg.105) This quotation provides a vivid description about the setting, the quote paints a picture of violence and destruction. This quote classifies the time period as of a time during a war. This quotation relates to the theme of war, the quote relates to this theme by describing the things that are typically in wars such as grenade explosions and gunshots.

Behavior in Class

                          One should know the importance of conducting themselves in a professional environment such as school or work. It is important for students to conduct themselves in a classroom because it can deminish any confusion about a particular assignment or task. In addition, conducting oneself can also lead to less conflict and confrontations in class. If students conducted themselves, the class would run smoothly with little to none immature outbursts. Another reason why it is important to conduct oneself in class is to allow other students the opportunity to learn, it is unfair for other students to miss out on a proper education because of other classmates lack of household training.              Conducting oneself is very important, it allows people to judge you in a light that is not bad. One should also conduct themselves in the classroom in case any influential people walks in.